Last week, after a marathon investigation, we published State Capture: The case against Nedbank. It caused public outrage.

The story exposed the big-four bank’s relationship with financial services firm Regiments Capital, a key enabler of state capture.

The revelation that Nedbank had paid or promised to pay Regiments some R95-million – mostly a reward for introducing the bank to government business following a “highly confidential” commission agreement – was the fruit of months of painstaking research. We trawled through leaked emails, memos and spreadsheets, and engaged extensively with the bank.

Today we republish the investigation in an ebook – an easy-on-the-eye magazine version you can download and save to read when and where you want.

*Download the ebook State Capture: The case against Nedbank here (cellphone) and here (desktop/tablet).
*Read the original online version here.

Ebooks are print and online converged, offering the boldness of magazine-style display, in full colour, with easy page-by-page reading – on the device of your choice.

The format has become increasingly popular around the world during lockdowns, with major publishing houses adding digital versions of magazines to their standard print editions.

AmaBhungane investigations have impact. We won’t stop exposing wrongdoing and holding those in positions of power to account. But we cannot do it without your support.

Our first ebook includes live links to additional information, such as the evidence docket compiled by reporter Susan Comrie.

We plan to regularly reproduce our major investigations in this format, and perhaps compile them all into a single volume at the end of the year.

Enjoy it, and pass it on!

Also read: Nedbank recoils in light of state capture allegations

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