Request 1: procurement information

amaBhungane request for details of the “procurement by the state of goods or services to improve, upgrade, alter, add to or secure the Nkandla estate of the president” — only information relating to the “financial implications” and not “the technical detail of security-sensitive improvements” was sought.

July 7 2012 – amaBhungane Promotion of Access to Information Act request to Dept of Public Works

August 13 2012 – Dept of Public Works rejects amaBhungane request

September 10 2012 – amaBhungane attorneys appeal Dept of Public Works decision to reject request

September 19 2012 – Dept of Public Works acknowledges amaBhungane letter of appeal

October 10 2012 – Minister of Public Works appeal decision falls due (but fails to respond)

November 22 2012 – amaBhungane files notice of motion/founding affidavit to oppose and overturn Dept of Public Works’s refusal

January 29 2013 – Dept of Public Works’ answering affidavit

March 7 2013 – amaBhungane files replying affidavit

March 25 2013 – amaBhungane files supplementary replying affidavit

April 18 2013 – South African History Archive Trust applies to be admitted as an amicus curia

June 14 2013 – Dept of Public Works supplementary affidavit agrees to release redacted files

July 5 2013 – amaBhungane publishes “The Nkandla files”

September 4 2013 – amaBhungane supplementary affidavit listing missing documents from the files and intention to proceed with a court application

September 20 2013 – Dept of Public Works further answering affidavit claiming all documents that could be found have been disclosed

September 30 2013 – amaBhungane heads of argument for trial hearing in the Pretoria high court from November 5th-6th

October 28 2013 – Dept of Pubic Works heads of argument

October 29 2013 – South African History Archive Trust (amicus curia) heads of argument

October 29 2013 – Democratic Governance & Rights Unit (amicus curia) heads of argument

November 4 2013 – amaBhungane’s note for the hearing

November 5 2013 – North Gauteng High Court hears argument

Request 2: Ministerial task team report

amaBhungane request for a copy of ministerial task team report on investigation into procurement at Zuma’s Nkandla home, as announced by Public Works minister Thulas Nxesi on January 27 2013.

February 1 2013 – amaBhungane Paia request form to the Dept of Public Works

April 3 2013 – amaBhungane internal appeal form after Dept turned down Paia request

August 26 2013 – amaBhungane notice of motion and founding affidavit seeking to compel DPW to release report

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