07 February 2025 | 01:35 PM

The IJ Hub is hiring!

Key Takeaways

The IJ Hub NPC is a non-profit company spun off by the amaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism to support investigative journalism in Southern Africa.

The hub supports and builds the capacity of investigative journalism centres and journalists via i.a. fellowships, workshops, networking, editorial assistance and organisational advice. It also raises philanthropic funding to support member centres. Current member centres are based in Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, Swaziland, Lesotho and South Africa.

We are seeking to appoint a managing partner: organisational, who will lead and manage the organisation jointly with the hub’s managing partner: editorial.

Purpose: • Provide strategic leadership to the organisation in consultation with the co-managing partner and board • Lead and manage the organisation financially and administratively • Lead and manage the hub’s sustainability goals • Implement relevant activities.

Key deliverables: • Build and manage stakeholder relationships • Manage the hub operationally: compliance, financial planning and oversight, accountant liaison, etc • Fundraise both for the hub and for the centres • Develop and implement a system of monitoring and evaluation for member centres • Evaluate funding applications from member centres • Help arrange fellowships, workshops etc • Provide advisory support – compliance, financial, sustainability, etc – to member centres.

All applicants must: • demonstrate relevant non-profit sector experience in roles with similar levels of responsibility – in both strategic and operational functions • financial and accounting literacy • be a self-motivator.

Attributes that will be a plus: • direct experience or work exposure to the world of journalism • knowledge of the political economy and media landscape of Southern Africa • internet and social media savvy

The successful applicant will report to the hub’s board and be based in Johannesburg.

A competitive remuneration package is offered. Individuals from a previously disadvantaged background are encouraged to apply.

Please email your CV and a short letter of motivation to lizels@amabhungane.org by 15 March 2020. The CV and letter should speak to the above criteria. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

PDF version here.

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Before joining the amaBhungane team in 2017, Micah was the national coordinator for media freedom and diversity at the Right2Know Campaign. He holds a Masters in African Studies from Oxford University and a BA Honours in History from Wits University.

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